tā nǚ ér jīn nián èr shí suì
Her daughter is 20 years old this year
在学校 In the school
How many people are in your family?
¿Cuántas personas hay en tu familia?
Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans ta famille ?
كم عدد أفراد عائلتك؟
Сколько человек в вашей семье?
There are three people in my family.
En mi familia somos tres personas.
Il y a trois personnes dans ma famille.
هناك ثلاث أفراد في عائلتي.
В моей семье три человека.
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在办公室 In the office
How old is your daughter?
¿Cuántos años tiene tu hija?
Quel âge a ta fille ?
كم عمر ابنتك؟
Сколько лет вашей дочери?
She is 4 years old this year.
Ella tiene 4 años este año.
Elle a 4 ans cette année.
هي في الرابعة هذا العام.
Ей 4 года в этом году.
在办公室 In the office
How old is Teacher Li?
¿Cuántos años tiene la profesora Li?
Quel âge a le professeur Li ?
كم عمر المعلمة لي؟
Сколько лет учителю Ли?
She is 50 years old this year.
Ella tiene 50 años este año.
Elle a 50 ans cette année.
هي في الخمسين هذا العام.
Ей 50 лет в этом году.
What about her daughter?
¿Y su hija?
Et sa fille ?
وماذا عن ابنتها؟
А как насчет её дочери?
Her daughter is 20 years old this year.
Su hija tiene 20 años este año.
Sa fille a 20 ans cette année.
ابنتها في العشرين هذا العام.
Её дочери 20 лет в этом году.
儿化的发音 The Retroflex Final 汉语中的“儿”可以和前面的音节结合成为一个音节。变成“儿化音”。汉字书写时表示为“汉字—+儿”,拼音书写时在该汉字的拼音后加“r”。例如: “儿(ér)” can be combined with a syllable before it, forming a retroflex syllable, which is written as "character + 儿" and spelt "syllable + r" in pinyin. For example
xiǎoháir | xiǎoniǎor | fànguǎnr | xiāngshuǐr |
小孩儿 | 小鸟儿 | 饭馆儿 | 香水儿 |
发音辨析:以 i、u、ü开头的韵母
Differentiation: pronunciation of finals beginning with i,u,ü
听录音并跟读,注意有 i、无 i 时发音的区别
Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between the pronunciations of the finals with and withou i.
a | ia | e | ie |
ao | iao | ou | iou(iu) |
an | ian | ang | iang |
ong | iong |
听录音并跟读,注意有 u、无 u 时发音的区别
Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between the pronunciations of the finals with and withou u.
a | ua | ai | uai |
ei | uei(ui) | an | uan |
en | uen(un) | ang | uang |
eng | ueng |
听录音并跟读,注意有 ü、无 ü 时发音的区别
Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between the pronunciations of the finals with and withou ü.
e | üe | an | üan |
en | ün |
Difference between Aspirated and Unaspirated Initials
There are aspirated and unaspirated initials in Chinese, such as b-p, d-t, g-k, j-q, z-c and zh-ch, among which the first one in each pair is unaspirated and the second one is aspirated
Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between aspirated and unaspirated initials.
b | p | d | t |
g | k | j | q |
z | c | zh | ch |
Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between the initials.
bàng | pàng | dù | tù |
gǒu | kǒu | jī | qī |
zì | cì | zhuō | chē |
Rules of Pinyin(4): syllable-dividing mark
a、o、e 开头的音节连接在其它音节后面时,为了避免音节的界限发生混淆,用隔音符号(‘)隔开,例如pí’ǎo(皮袄)
When a syllable beginning with a, o or e follows another syllable, the syllable-dividing mark(’) is used to separate the two syllables, for example, pí’ǎo(皮袄, fur-lined jacket).
Listen to the recording and read after it. Pay attention to the differences between the words with and without the syllable-dividing mark.
piāo | pí’ǎo | xiān | xī‘ān |
to float | fur-lined jacket | earlier, before | City of Xi‘an |
jiē | jī‘è | jiāng | jī’áng |
to receive | hungry | will, shall | excited adn impassioned |
fānàn | fān’àn | fǎngǎn | fāng’àn |
to launch an attack | to reverse a verdict | to loathe | work plan |
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