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Frequently Asked Questions

What is differences between Mandarin, Chinese, Hokkien & Cantonese?

Basically Chinese, Mandarin and Putonghua all mean the same thing, it's the official language in China and also widely used in countries such as Singapore, it's actually originated from some north China dialects. You guessed it, there're many dialects in China, some of them are hard to understand, even for a Chinese who's not born in that area. Hokkien and Cantonese are popular dialects among them, the first one's widely used in Fujian and Taiwan, and the later's widely used in Guangdong and Hongkong, there're subtle differences in different areas though. With that being said, the written language(Hanzi) is almost the same. I said almost because there are Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, it's not more difficult to write than to read, especially when you have a context. To give you a basic idea, 你好 is absolutely the same, but 这里 vs. 這裡.

Is MandarinAi backed by any commercial entity?

The short answer is no. But don't take us wrong, it's not meant to be a nonprofit oranization, but profit should never be the main concern.

Will you release iOS and Android apps and when?

Yes and no, there certainly will be apps, and we even built some codebase, but we wouldn't release apps in a short term. The reason is that we need to make sure the features get upgraded really fast based on our users' responses, and the development of apps are not as fast as websites. Not to mention there's a hype about "spatial computing", let's see how it goes.