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EP85 逛庙会 Beijing Temple Fair

China Plus


EP85 逛庙会 Beijing Temple Fair

EP85 逛庙会 Beijing Temple Fair

  • Chinese 101: Plan to a Beijing temple fair during the Chinese new year

  • Grammar: Expressing "not only… but also" with "不仅"

  • Language Tips: Beijing Temple Fairs - History & Present 

  • Story of the Day: The countyard is as crowded as a marketplace 门庭若市



Tīng shuō bĕi jīng de miào huì hĕn rè nào. Wŏ xiăng qù guàng miào huì.

I was told that Beijing's temple fairs will be bustling. I'd like to visit some of these fairs.


Hăo a. wŏ péi nĭ yī qĭ qù. 

Of course. I'll go with you!


Xiè xie!Zài nà lǐ shì bú shì yĭ pĭn cháng dào xŭ duō chuán tŏng xiăo chī?

Thanks! So I’ll get to taste lots of traditional local delicacies, right?


Bù jǐn rú cǐ ! Nĭ hái kĕ yĭ xīn shăng dào zhōng guó de xŭ duō mín jiān yì shù.

More than that! You will also enjoy many Chinese folk arts.

Words & Expressions:

【听说】tīng shuō: be told; hear of

【庙会】miào huì: temple fair

【热闹】rè nào: lively; exciting; boisterous

【逛】guàng: stroll; saunter; ramble; roam

【陪】péi: accompany; show; keep sb. company

【品尝】pǐn cháng: taste; sample; savour

【许多】xǔ duō: many

【传统】chuán tǒng: traditional; tradition, classic

【小吃】xiǎo chī: snack; refreshments;

【不仅如此】bù jǐn rú cǐ: not only; not the only one

【欣赏】xīn shǎng

【民间艺术】mín jiān yì shù

Hosts: Liu Min & Jessica

Programme Editor: Lu Chang

Producer: Lu Chang


EP85 逛庙会 Beijing Temple Fair

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