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Lesson 92 Revision of Shopping 第九十二课 购物复习课


Lesson 92 Revision of Shopping 第九十二课 购物复习课

Cam: Dajia hao. Welcome to Chinese Studio. Wo shi Cam.
YJ:  Wo shi Yajie. This week we mainly focused on shopping, Cam!
Cam: We did. Let’s have a quick review.

Sentences in the Week:
I am looking for a jacket. 我想买一件夹克。What’s your size? 您穿多大的?Can I pay by credit card? 我能用信用卡吗?Can I use this coupon? 我能用优惠券吗? Please pay at the cashier’s. 请到款台交钱。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam:  Yajie, so if I want to buy a jacket. How do I say that to a salesperson?
YJ: You can say “我想买一件夹克。(Wo3 xiang3 mai3 yi2 jian4 jia1ke4)”
Cam: 我想买一件夹克。(Wo3 xiang3 mai3 yi2 jian4 jia1ke4)
YJ: 我 (Wo3) means I. 想, x-i-a-n-g, means want to.   
Cam: 我 (Wo3) 想 (xiang3).  
YJ: 买 (mai3), the third tone, to buy. 
Cam: 买 (mai3)
YJ: 一(yi2) means one. 件(jian4) is the measure word for clothes. 
Cam: 一件(yi2 jian4)
YJ: 夹克 (jia1ke4), jacket. 
Cam: 夹克 (jia1ke4)
YJ: 我想买一件夹克。(Wo3 xiang3 mai3 yi2 jian4 jia1ke4) I am looking for a jacket.
Cam: 我想买一件夹克。(Wo3 xiang3 mai3 yi2 jian4 jia1ke4).

Conversation 1:

Cam: Yajie, how do you say “What’s your size” in Chinese?
YJ: It’s 您穿多大的?(nin2 chuan1 duo1 da4 de?) 
Cam: 您穿多大的?(nin2 chuan1 duo1 da4 de?). 
YJ: 您 (nin2) means you
Cam: 您 (nin2), you  
YJ: 穿 (chuan1), the first tone, to wear. 
Cam: 穿 (chuan1)
YJ: 多大(duo1 da4). Literally it means how large. 
Cam: 多大(duo1 da4). 
YJ: 您穿多大的?(nin2 chuan1 duo1 da4 de?). What’s your size?
Cam: 您穿多大的?(nin2 chuan1 duo1 da4 de?)
YJ: Ok, Cam, after you’ve chosen a suitable size and style, now it’s time to pay for it. You may hear the salesperson say “请到款台交钱。(qing3 dao4 kuan3tai3 jiao1 qian2.)”
Cam: 请到款台交钱。(qing3 dao4 kuan3tai3 jiao1 qian2.) What does that mean?  
YJ: It means “Please pay at the cashier’s.”
Cam: I see. 请 (qing3), please. 
YJ: 到 (dao4), to go to. 
Cam: 到 (dao4)
YJ: 款台 (kuan3tai3), the cashier’s. 
Cam: 款台 (kuan3tai3
YJ: 交钱 (jiao1 qian2), to pay for it. 
Cam: 交钱(jiao1 qian2).
YJ: 请到款台交钱。(qing3 dao4 kuan3tai3 jiao1 qian2.) Please pay at the cashier’s.
Cam: 请到款台交钱。(qing3 dao4 kuan3tai3 jiao1 qian2.)
Conversations 2:

Cam: Well, Yajie, sometimes I don’t take money with me. I want to use a credit card. How do I say that? 
YJ: You can ask “我能用信用卡吗?(wo3 neng2 yong4 xin4yong4ka3 ma?)” 
Cam: 我能用信用卡吗?(wo3 neng2 yong4 xin4yong4ka3 ma?)
YJ: 我 (wo3), I. 能(neng2), can. 
Cam: 我 (wo3). 能(neng2).
YJ: 用 (yong4), y-o-n-g, the fourth tone, to use.
Cam: 用(yong4).
YJ: 信用卡 (xin4yong4ka3), credit card.
Cam: 信用卡 (xin4yong4ka3).
YJ: 我能用信用卡吗?(wo3 neng2 yong4 xin4yong4ka3 ma?)?
Cam: 我能用信用卡吗?(wo3 neng2 yong4 xin4yong4ka3 ma?), Can I pay by credit card?

Conversation 3:

Sentences in the week:
I am looking for a jacket. (我想买一件夹克。Wo3 xiang3 mai3 yi2 ge4 jia1ke4)What’s your size? 您穿多大的?(nin2 chuan1 duo1 da4 de?)Can I pay by credit card? Please pay at the cashier’s. 请到款台交钱。(qing3 dao4 kuan3tai3 jiao1 qian2.)

YJ: That’s all for this week’s Chinese Studio. Now comes question of the week: how do you say “Can I pay by credit card?” in Chinese?
Cam: Bye for now, and wish you have a nice weekend. 
YJ: zhoumo yukuai!

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