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Lesson 99 Making Appointments (3) 第九十九课 约会 (3)


Lesson 99 Making Appointments (3) 第九十九课 约会 (3)

Cam: It’s time to perfect Chinese your way in only five minutes a day.  Welcome to Chinese Studio everyone.  Wo shi Cam.
YJ: And wo shi Yajie. Cam, we are learning all about making appointments this week.
Cam: Sure, Yajie. Let’s check key words of the day.

Key Words of the Day 
Sorry, I am busy that day. 对不起,那天我有事。(dui4buqi3, nei4 tian1 wo3 you3 shi4.) I will pick you up at 5:30. 五点半我来接你。(wu3 dian3 ban4 wo3 lai2 jie3 ni3.) Shall we make it 9:30 instead? 九点半怎么样?(jiu3 dian3ban4 zen3meyang4?) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam: One of my Chinese friends asked me to come over and make some dinner this Saturday. But I’m busy that day. How do I say that? 
YJ: Well, I think you should say对不起,那天我有事。(dui4buqi3, nei4 tian1 wo3 you3 shi4.)
Cam: Ok. I know 对不起(dui4buqi3) means sorry. 
YJ: Yes. 对不起(dui4buqi3), sorry. 那 (nei4) means that. 
Cam: 那 (nei4) 
YJ: 天 (tian1) means day. T-i-a-n, the first tone.  
Cam: Right, we've learnt that before.天 (tian1). 
YJ: 那天 (nei4 tian1), that day. 
Cam: 那天 (nei4 tian1).  
YJ: 我(wo3) means I. 
Cam: 我(wo3). 
YJ:  有事 (you3 shi4) means you have something to do, which implies that you are busy. 
Cam: I see. 有事 (you3 shi4)
YJ: 对不起,那天我有事。(dui4buqi3, nei4 tian1 wo3 you3 shi4.) Sorry, I am busy that day. 
Cam: 对不起,那天我有事。(dui4buqi3, nei4 tian1 wo3 you3 shi4.) Then how about another day? How should I say that? 
YJ: You can say 改天吧 (gai3 tian1 ba). 改天(gai3 tian1) literally means change to another day. 
Cam: Easy. 改天吧 (gai3 tian1 ba).

Conversation 1:

Cam: Now if I want to take a girl on a date Yajie…. How can I ask to pick her up at her house? 
YJ: Let’s say you are going to pick her up at half past five, then it could be “五点半我来接你。(wu3 dian3 ban4 wo3 lai2 jie3 ni3.)”. 
Cam: 五点半我来接你。(wu3 dian3 ban4 wo3 lai2 jie3 ni3.)
YJ: 五点半 (wu3 dian3 ban4) is half past five. 
Cam: 五点半 (wu3 dian3 ban4
YJ: 我 (wo3), I. 
Cam: 我 (wo3).
YJ: 来 (lai2), to come. 
Cam: 来(lai2). 
YJ: 接 (jie1), to pick someone up. The first tone. 
Cam: 接(jie1)
YJ: 你 (ni3), you. 
Cam: 你 (ni3)
YJ: 五点半我来接你。(wu3 dian3 ban4 wo3 lai2 jie3 ni3.)
Cam: 五点半我来接你。(wu3 dian3 ban4 wo3 lai2 jie3 ni3.) I will pick you up at 5:30.

Conversation 2:

Cam: Okay, 5:30 is a little bit early for me.  So what if I want to make the time later?  How can I say, can we make it 9:30 instead?
YJ: Ok. I think you can say “九点半怎么样?(jiu3 dian3ban4 zen3meyang4?)” Shall we make it 9:30 instead?
Cam: 九点半怎么样?(jiu3 dian3ban4 zen3meyang4?) 
YJ: 九点半 (jiu3 dian3ban4) is half past nine. 
Cam: 九点半 (jiu3 dian3ban4). 
YJ: 怎么样(zen3meyang4) means “how about”?
Cam: 怎么样(zen3meyang4)
YJ: 九点半怎么样?(jiu3 dian3ban4 zen3meyang4?) 
Cam: 九点半怎么样?(jiu3 dian3ban4 zen3meyang4?) how about half past nine?

Conversation 3:

Key Words Reminder 
Sorry, I am busy that day. 对不起,那天我有事。(dui4buqi3, nei4 tian1 wo3 you3 shi4.) I will pick you up at 5:30. 五点半我来接你。(wu3 dian3 ban4 wo3 lai2 jie3 ni3.) Shall we make it 9:30 instead? 九点半怎么样?(jiu3 dian3ban4 zen3meyang4?) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

YJ: Well Cam, you should have no problem making appointments now!
Cam:  Yes, this has all been useful.  And we’ve run out of time for today’s show, so let’s get to the question of the day:  How do you say “Sorry, I am busy that day” in Chinese?  
Yajie:  See ya tomorrow! 
Cam: Zai jian.

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