发布时间:多彩的春天A Colorful Spring
When the spring thunder rips through the sky, when the willow trees sprout new buds, and when the peach blossoms bloom, I know the new year has arrived.
Look, over here, little yellow flowers are squeezing out from the dense green leaves, revealing their bright smiles. They seem to be telling me, "Spring is here, spring is here!" Over there, the azaleas have put on new clothes! Red, pink, white... so many colors! The peach blossoms aren’t to be outdone either. They cluster together, and as far as the eye can see, there’s nothing but delicate and vibrant red.
Perhaps it’s the bright colors of the flowers that have attracted the bees and butterflies to gather nectar! The bees are busy flitting from flower to flower, their tiny wings buzzing as they dart among the blossoms, working happily. The butterflies, though, are much more graceful than the bees. They dance among the flowers like elegant maidens, gracefully twirling to a beautiful melody.
Tell me, when I see such lovely sights, how could I not fall in love with spring?
生机勃勃 欣欣向荣 万紫千红 春回大地
杏雨梨云 百花争艳 鸟语花香 春暖花开
莺歌燕舞 万物复苏 春意阑珊 草长莺飞
- 春色满园关不住,一枝红杏出墙来。——[宋]叶绍翁《游园不值》
- 等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。——[宋]朱熹《春日》 jichàz6
- 几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。——[唐]白居易《钱塘湖春行》
- 千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风。——[唐]杜牧《江南春》
- 视觉:春天到了,爱美的柳树姑娘舒枝展叶,在微风的吹拂下翩翩起舞,显得婀娜多姿。
- 听觉:小鸟们飞向树林,呼朋引伴地鸣叫着,叽叽喳喳聊个不停。
- 触觉:和煦的春风悠悠地吹着,像妈妈温柔的双手在抚摸着我的头发和脸庞。
- 嗅觉:梨花白了,木棉花红了,迎春花黄了,阵阵花香萦绕在我的鼻尖,令人陶醉。
- 味觉:春雨来了,小草迫不及待地钻出地面,张开嘴巴尽情地喝着甘甜的春雨。
- 通过比喻、拟人手法:春姑娘乘着清风,带着温暖翩翩而来,她张开双臂,舞动着纤细的手,把碧绿撒满大地,把百花插上枝头。春雨像春姑娘手中的绣花针,一针一线绣出一片清新和翠绿。